These words were neatly written on a piece of paper in black marker and block letters. Very precise. Very orderly. Just like David. These words were his last written thoughts. He's dead now because he killed himself. He finally received the attention he craved.
Attention was something that Cass McBride was very familiar with. She was a popular overachiever. She used everyone around her to benefit her resume and walked over a few in the process. But she'd do it with a tilt of the head and a flash of a smile. It was David's suicide that marked Cass for unwanted attention though. His last words are what triggered Cass McBride's disappearance and it was her last written words to him that triggered his death.
The facts: David Kirby killed himself on Thursday. She disappeared from her bedroom Friday night. Kyle Kirby, David's older brother is in police custody for her disappearance. The question remains: what is the connection? This story takes the reader on the first 48 hours of the desperate search to find Cass McBride. The clock is ticking.
This novel is spell binding. Gail Giles takes us on a personal journey into each of the character's psyche because the chapters are told from each character's perspective. Kyle, Cass, and Ben (the detective) all find their voice in this story. Each character speaks volumes.
What Happened to Cass McBride? shows what hateful words over time can do to a spirit. It proves that abuse is not just for the physical. Psychological abuse can hurt just as much, if not more, than being physically assaulted. This type of abuse tears at the soul. It kills the human spirit. Words are weapons.
Bravo, Lisa! Nicely done--this is a definite future read for me.
Just check the end of the 2nd paragraph--I think you mean that Cass contributed to HIS death?
Take care,
This looks like a great book and I have to say that your review makes me want to read it even more!
Wow! Great job! It makes me want to know more. I am definitely hooked on this book. I also like the idea you pose at the idea. psychological abuse can sometimes be more painful and deadly than physical abuse.
I enjoyed you booktalk and you have hooked me into wanting to read this novel. Thank you for the information!
lisa-- i really enjoyed your post. i especially liked the fact that you disclosed a nice amount of information-- you said enough to get me interested, but not too much to basically tell me the entire story. well done!
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